Finance | WBook I | Product Category: CourseWork
Best BSchool material (solved) on tough subjects like Operations Research, Economics, Statistics, Case Studies, Placement Interviews, Aptitude/Psychometric Tests etc.
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10 ReviewsAn exhaustive workbook with solutions covering case based exercises also. Equally helpful for Finance and Non-Finance background students. Best Practice Book.
Package Features:
Finance is supposedly the most promising specialization in any management course, apparently a few chosen ones opt for it and the rest fear it for lack of conceptual knowledge. This material is designed to help even the non-finance grads to have a better hold on the subject matter.
This special material is in the form of a Case Study Collection and contains solved cases designed specifically for students pursuing management studies. If you take time out and practice the workbook sincerely all your concepts will be cleared and you might even opt for a finance specialization in your second year of studies.
This material contains 15 cases, which means ample practice ground for a student to prepare for his exams. A thorough preparation of this material will definitely help you score well in this subject.
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File types included in the zipped package : PDF
File size of the package : 1 Mb
No. of Pages : 47